Cyprus Damp Proofing Specialists

Free phone (+357) 7000 2066
Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm

Chemical Damp Proofing

Damp is by far, the most frequent problem encountered in the Cypriot housing market.Each year, the average home in Cyprus copes with around 5,000 gallons of rain water, including the humidity in the air so it is no surprise that water realted issues can become a big problem for many. Although most damp problems are much less serious than they actually look, whatever the cause, damp can be very bad for our health and the health of our property.

Identifying your damp proofing issue

There are many different causes of damp within our homes that can lead to different kinds of damp issues, not just rising damp! To help you learn and identify more about the different kinds of damp within properties and the damp proofing treatments that are available, click on the links below to find out more.

Our damp proofing servcies include damp proofing, Damp Proofing, Damp Proof Course Installation, Damp Proof Membrane Installation, Chemical Damp Coursing, Basement Tanking, Cellar Tanking, Timber and Woodworm, Rising Damp, Penetrating Damp, Dry Rot Treatment, Wet Rot Treatment, External Coatings, Condensation control.

Alternatively, to speak to a damp specialist, contact Cyprus Damp Proofing on +357 7000 2066 or complete our contact form and we will organise for our local damp team to contact you.

Call Us On Free phone: (+357) 7000 2066
or Email Us On:

Please note your telephone call will go the your nearest geographical office, where our staff will be pleased to help with your enquiries.